Saturday, July 18, 2020

Can Someone Identify This Subpart attached to this Evaporator Coil?

Can Someone Identify This Subpart attached to this Evaporator Coil?

Can someone please identify this sub-part that is included in the "fridge zone evap coil" for me, please. I have a written off LG fridge that I am attempting to repair myself. There is pump oil that is evident in the freezer's coil. (I blew out) so I'm assuming there is probably oil up in the fridges coil also. If there is oil in the fridge's coil, and then there would be oil in this subpart I'm trying to identify, I would assume that this subpart is ruined and unrecoverable. Therefore the entire fridge evap coil will need replacing along with the main drier and possibly the threeway valve, and possibly the pump also.

submitted by /u/noguffay
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