Monday, May 1, 2023

help with a fridge when I was away from my house for weeks

Me and my family left my house to live with my parents for a month due to bills piling up and I just needed to have a financial reset only paying house payment but let the lights and water go (no judgment please, times are tough) anyway I'm back on my feet and when I get home I felt really dumb when I saw a maybe one or two rotten items in the fridge (frigidaire tall double door) which is infested with small flies, maybe gnats. I clean it out top and bottom but when the power got turned back on the refrigerator isn't cooling or even making a noise. I'm really hoping its a small fix but my uneducated guess is that the pest got into the components somehow. Can anyone give me some helpful advice?

submitted by /u/Potential-Funny3292
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